"The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth”

- Get to know our Story -
The WagNou farm is situated 100 km North of Gobabis, Omaheke District, Namibia on the C22 road.
WagNou Boerdery operates a diversified agricultural establishment that takes pride in its quality products: Beefmaster Stud and Commercial Cattle, Fodder Production, Grass and Alfalfa (Lucerne) Hay as well as various crops (including Maize, Peanuts, Oats, and Peas).
We pride ourselves in:
- Farming in harmony with the environment.
- Being committed to producing environmentally friendly, quality products.
- Being beneficial to all stakeholders involved (employers, employees, and clients alike).
- Providing uplifting and stimulating employment circumstances.
- Our dedication to delivering excellent service to our loyal clients.
WagNou Boerdery Produce
- We breed quality cattle -
Wagnou Beefmaster Stud
WagNou Beefmaster Stud breeds adapted cattle under extensive breeding conditions for the Namibian market. We use some of the best genetics available in Southern Africa. We only offer the best 10% of our yearly stud calf production (after stringent testing and visual selection) as bulls to fellow farmers.
Fodder: WagNou Volvoer
The demand for a fully balanced feed (including roughage) grew over time and Wagnou Volvoer was developed, tested, and registered. Farmers’ success by utilising this full feed mix (branded “Wagnou Volvoer”) grew to such an extent that additional equipment had to be obtained to supply the demand. Wagnou Volvoer is available on the farm and distributed by Kaap Agri and Agra.
Wagnou Commercial Cattle
Chianina genetics, and to a limited extent Belgian Blue genetics, are used in our commercial herd to primarily provide oxen for the slaughter market.
Grass Production
Approximately 1000ha have been de-bushed (from invader bush species) on Farm Wagnou. Of that 700 ha of Blue Buffalo grass have been established. Grass is cut and baled while still green to ensure quality. Grass bales are for sale on Farm Wagnou and distributed by Kaap Agri and Agra.
Wagnou Boerdery produces maize, peanuts, and other crops to a limited extent under irrigation. Irrigation is strictly administered to the crops as regulated by the relevant authorities to ensure long-term sustainability.
In 2023 oats and Lucern (alfalfa) were planted under irrigation to be made available in small block bales as fodder.
WagNou Boerdery Auctions 2024
- Our Pride -

Wagnou Beefmasterveiling
Saturday, 17 August 2024
WagNou Boerdery Farm

Nasionale Beefmasterveiling
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Agra / Bank Windhoek Veilingring, Windhoek